Monday, April 30
> Weekends with Tyrell

First thing first, im starting work next Monday and i can feel the nervousness already! I hope everything would turn out fine and i'll be able to adapt and learn things fast and accurately.
Right, so i spent my entire weekends with Tyrell. We caught 2 movies on Saturday. Nightmare detective was a boohoo and a nono. Please do not catch it if you havent. Its really stupid, like really. Then we caught Shooter, which was so much better. 3 outta 5 stars. Bang! BAng! BANG! All head shots yo.
Then on Sunday, headed town again to get my blouses. 2 tops from Zara and $120 were debited from my account. Damn heartpain! Then i treated Tyrell for dinner as his belated 24th birthday gift at Sushi Tei. I'll make sure he spent a bomb on me next month on my birthday. LOL.
Headed back to Tyrell's place to catch The Dance Floor Grand Final. I love Vas&Pris! Ive been secretly supporting them since the first round. They're really good! So glad they won. I like Platinum too!!
Leonard and Alvyn came over to my place after that for Little Miss Sunshine on DVD.
And i just woke up. I think im going for some facial later. wee!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:39:00 pm
Friday, April 27
So yesterday, i stayed up for 30 hours without sleep. It was a pretty terrible experience because there was nothing to do.
Baked brownies to keep myself awake.

And the end product. Got a little burnt though, but still tastes pretty good for the first attempt. =X

Mahjong in awhile with Huat, his gf and Ling. yay :)
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:18:00 pm
Thursday, April 26
> I hate myself for not falling asleep
Every single person in my family is up preparing for work, only dear Amber have not slept a wink. There is seriously something very wrong with me and i cannot tolerate it anymore.
I got home at 4am just now and went to bed at 4.30. Its been 3 hours of tossing and turning and i dont feel at all sleepy. I totally gave up trying to get some snooze. You know how irritated i felt? I woke up at about 2pm yesterday and i ought to be feeling tired already. But its so not the case right now.
And to make things worst, im having a sore eye and a splitting head. wtf?

Hello hello there, darling Ebony!

Everyone loves Ebony, no?

Met the girlfriends for dinner last night at Genki Sushi. Been so so so long since we last hang out.
Then, Meiting and i went over to town to look for Leonard, Kevin, Kapo and Nicky. We stayed for like less than 30 minutes in town and head back home because the guys were high on sake and wanted to go over to M.O.S, which we didnt feel like it.
So, i met an old time friend. A friend i havent seen for 2.5 years. Had drinks by the pool at the bbq area.

I had this...

and give the man a tiger! He had 3 of it.

Douglas and i chitchatted there for more than 3 hours and he had to keep reminding of how i puked all over at Cine on our first date 2.5 years ago. Cheesebun! Then, all the past memories kept flowing back, it was pretty fun though.

I wonder if our next meetup would be another 2.5 years later, but i hope not.
Breakfast time!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:52:00 am
Tuesday, April 24
> Freaking screwed up body
I have a damn screwed up body clock! I've been sleeping at wee hours for the past 1.5 months and i thought it was time to adjust back to proper timing so as to prepare myself when work starts.
So, i slept at 10pm last night cos i was feeling a little tired. I succeeded! But i woke up at 5am, fully refreshed. WTF?! And now i cant get back to sleep and there's nothing to do.
I then started planning for today's agenda. I thought maybe i should go for a swim since mum just bought me a new piece of swimsuit and then bake some muffins in the noon. But no! My period had to come and i've no chocolate chips left to bake those muffins.
And im feeling fucking emo now because of a fact i learnt. I hate it when i feel this way.
26 days to my birthday. Birthdays had become just another day ever since 17. This time, i guess i wont be having any big plans or celebrate with people i thought would be interested to spend this day with me.
I had enough of superficials and now i want substance. So, either someone who really bothers and take this day as a joyous occasion and plan something for me, or i'll just stay home and decompose with the pre-monday-blues symptom.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:16:00 am
Monday, April 23
> My Saturdayyyyy
Cousin's wedding on Saturday. Havent really seen my relatives from my dad's side for some time already. So the usual updates and talks about the future, comparing this and that, it just doesnt die down, does it?

My mum thinks she can pretend she's still in her 20s or smth by wearing shades to cover her wrinkles at the side of her eyes. HAHAHA

If that's possible, then i must be only 6 years old or smth.

The bride and groom during tea ceremony in the noon.
The wedding banquet was at Furama that night, food is pretty okay but for someone that eats a lot, it wasnt really filling enough for me.

Newly weds are always happy. The bride looked really gorgeous!
We seized this opportunity for family pictures!

The Lin siblings

and their manufacturers. HAHAHA

not forgetting the sisters who sleep together everyday. LOL

The Lims/Lins. I cant even remember when was the last time we took a family portrait. I think i was still in Primary school.

My Ah Ma's children. I bet they havent taken a family portrait for like decades man!
After the dinner, i met up with my new friends over at Clarke Quay for more food and drinks and chats that lasted till 2am before heading home.

Us at Coffee Club. Meiqi, Yihao, Daniel, QQ and myself. Glenn took the picture, so naturally he wasnt in there.

But here he is!

Im supposed to go in JB today with Jeffrey again but all thanks to my insomnia, i couldnt get to sleep till 7am when my sister prepared to go for work. And yes, you've guessed it right, i couldnt wake up early enough. SIANED!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:03:00 pm
Friday, April 20
> to the working world!
So, i finally received the phone call i had been expecting this noon, while i was still in dreamland. And ive also accepted the job offer. Its really too attractive to be true. Not just the paycheck itself, the incentives, the benefits, the work experiences and the exposure would definately make me a happy amber.
I guess the remuneration i'll be getting would be much higher than other fresh diploma graduates. I'll be able to apply for my personal credit card (note: not supp card) just that i am not able to do so now cos im not 21 yet. So go figure! (:
Guess the opportunity costs of this decision is to give up my studies and my social life for i'll be working during the European hours.
But if i receive any letters of offer before signing the contract, i might reconsider my decision. So we'll just see how it goes. At least now i know for sure i've a bright future. Not gonna bum for long anymore!
Its 11pm and i havent eaten my dinner yet. damn!
Byebye JunHan, Kerson, Alan and Mervyn! Have fun in Taiwannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:59:00 pm
Thursday, April 19
> wait, wait, wait and still wait.
I hate to wait for things to happen, i hate to wait. I hate it when theres nothing else i can do but just sit back and wait. I hate to feel so lost with no directions and wait for a sign. I hate it, hate it, hate it!
I hate to keep waiting for a phone call which would be able to tell me my future plans, i hate to keep pouncing up and down the stairway to check if there's any letters for me. I hate to wait!
Stop letting me wait. I hate to wait!
Town-ed last evening with the new bunch of crazy friends! Met someone, got emo-ed but argh, heck already!

Yihao and I while. He made me wait at the bus stop and we're waiting for Meiqi to come back (which she didnt. faints)

The girls..

and the guys, while waiting for food.
I hate to wait! Stop making me wait! Let me know whats the next step i should take now! NOW!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:43:00 pm
Wednesday, April 18
> Amber's up early in the morning!
Its 7+ in the morning and i got woken up by my verybusylilsister who's preparing for work. I usually fall back to deep snooze once she switches off the light but today i cant.
The wierd thing now is, i got pretty tipsy last night at Partyworld with (lets just call them A&J) and i collapsed on the bed right after i got into the room, not to mention after puking twice.
Its so funny because i ought to be sleeping like a log even more because i'll only wake up after 4pm EVERYDAY since school ended, and now i cant get to sleep after getting wasted last night.
Bah! Im having a spinning head but i cant get to sleep. This had probably be the worst feeling ever.
And i have a sudden crave for MacDonalds breakfast, delivery anyone?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:55:00 am
Sunday, April 15
> Another regret.
My mood today feels like a see-saw. One moment i was beaming with joy, and the next sulking with disappointment.
I so regret not applying for NUS just because i thought i couldnt meet the deadline so i decided to just fuck care it. I believe i would stand a pretty high chance of being accepted.
But shit always happen.
I've actually decided to put away my studies first and start earning some moolah so i'll be able to further my studies elsewhere and lessen my parents' burden. But the company i so wish to work for right now aint giving me any calls which i was promised and im getting a tad too impatient. I've already been through 3 rounds of their interview so i really hope to receive a placement there.
On a lighter note, i had a great day today with Mervyn and friends. Won a little at the mahjong table, definately not enough to cover the losses i made last week. Can you believe it? Losing $235 in a night aint anything pleasant at all.
I finally got my ass down to Sentosa and visted Cafe Del Mar. The place's pretty okay but we didnt stay long so imma wanna go back there again to chill.
Ive been bumming for more than a month now and i seriously need to get something constructive to do. Life's too short to waste.

sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:28:00 am
Friday, April 13
Channel 8 is now screening past serials which i used to watch when i was in Primary school or something.
The only thing that excites me so much is because, JAMES LYE IS IN THERE!!!
I havent seen his face for damn farking long. He was one of the hottest and cutest guy then, and i used to be damn crazy over him!!
JAMES LYE LEH!!! I wish my boyfriend would be as hot and cute as him.
and i just realised today's Friday the 13th. But am i lucky or what?!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:09:00 am
Thursday, April 12
Went up to Yihao's place on Tuesday after the interview before having supper with the others at 85.

Yihao's new pup, Jack Russell.

Boxer getting sleepy!
Day out with Albin on Wednesday.

"after a year.."
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:07:00 pm
> Please chop my fingers off!
I hate myself sometimes, for having itchy fingers.
You wouldnt wanna know what i did to myself.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:44:00 am
Tuesday, April 10
> random updates
Jeffrey and I met last evening for 2 movies, TMNT and Mr Bean which both sucked and i was almost dying of boredom in the cinema. We had dinner at Pizza Hut and random food at the Pasar Malam and hawker centre, did a little catching up and i excitedly told him about my trip and had a little souvenirs exchange. His from Taiwan, and mine from Perhentian.
I finally caught hold of his pictures. He never liked to take picture and would alws shun away from my camera. Even if he would to kill me posting it up, i would still post it anyway. :)

Hello hello Jeffrey :)))
The skin on my shoulders have started to peel and they are freaking ugly.

And please just ignore my dogdog pjs.
The worst thing of all is not about my shoulders peeling, since i can cover it with a tshirt or something. The worst thing is that my scalp's peeling too. Bloody hell, now i look like ive got dandruff or something. Help!!
Glenn asked me about thy post perhentian feelings, well, i feel really bored and lonely in a place everyone calls home, its been so quiet and i miss everyone's laughters. I miss the beach, the sand, the sea, the food and the company.
Emo vibes running in.
It pains me to see you feeling so emotional and in such a bad state of depression. As much as i wish to help you, there's nothing i can do and im sure theres nothing you want me to do but to leave you alone. But i hope you remember that you still have a friend here, and thats me, to listen to your woes and be your support, like how you were mine. Take care, xoxo.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:24:00 pm
Sunday, April 8
> Perhentian Island 310307 - 060407
I really really wanna tell you guys how wonderful my trip was, how relaxed i felt, how beautiful the beach was and everything else. But everytime i thought about blogging it, i got so lazy because there's just too many pictures to upload. So for now, i'll try my best.
I've never heard of Perhentian Island before i went there, and boy was it like a paradise. I got welcomed by the whatseemsneverending sea in different tones and shades of blue, and i melt immediately, falling in love with the island.
But of course, the downside of it all was the tedious journey there. First, we took a bus to woodlands interchange and changed bus to Johor Bahru.

Then we took a train which took us about 14 hours to reach Tanah Merah train station in Malaysia.

It was damn difficult to fall asleep on board the train. While everyone else was sleeping or reading their books, i was stoning and in daze for 2 hours before i finally got sleepy.
After that we took a 1 hour taxi ride to the ferry terminal.

Then, we had to take a 45minutes ferry to the island. The ride was damn bumpy cos of the waves and the speed the boatman was going at. And of course, we all got wet.

The thing about Perhentian is, the chalets there are pretty limited and they do no advance booking. So its like a backpacking trip and rooms are based on first come first serve basis. We got there, and found no vacant rooms at the cheaper chalets. The guys walked the whole of long beach before we found Mohsin Chalet.

At RM65 a night, you get a room like this

and be greeted by this every night outside your door

Their electricity is available for 21 hours daily and water for 24 hours, but its a scam! There was one night when i was shitting halfway where the lights went off! The toilet is really dark and when the lights went off, i cant even see my fingers. It was damn scary!
And the other night while bathing halfway, there was no water! I had shampoo all over my hair and body and was freezing in the toilet can. I waited for like 20 minutes before there was water again.

This is the view i get right outside my room, splendid isnt it?
We spent 5 days and 4 nights at the island, and its not enough i tell you! There's not much Asians there, maybe just us. Lots of Caucasians and of course the locals who works there. They are really friendly people and speak really good English. They not just know English, they do know many other languages and it was really nice talking to them. They love their job and they love working and living at the island and so would i, i guess.
So all we do there was to snorkel, canoe and get capsized and stucked on the rocks, banana boat, beach volleyball, playing in the clear water, hitting against the big waves, frisbee, sunbathe and eat non stop!

The food there is pretty good and at reasonable prices. We always order so much food till the waitress would remind us that we've ordered a lot already. But we'll still continue ordering. Haa!
Food and atmosphere is especially good at Panaroma! We ate there on two nights consecutively.

For now, let the pictures do the talking.

Time flies faster than the tututrain we took. It was time to leave. The train was leaving at 9pm that day and we reached the station at about 3pm. So we wondered around Tanah Merah Msia and had lunch + dinner at KFC.

This time we bought the train tickets with beds, and it was so much more comfortable. I slept really well that night.

Ya know, i really miss the place a lot. When im there, there's no troubles or worries up my mind. It's as clear as the sea and all i did was to smile and have fun with all my fabulous mates made. I didnt even have the chance to get emo because they're so fun and witty and made me laugh non stop.
Now that im back, i'm hit back to reality once again. Cant help but to feel stressful once again. But this is life, and i'll be brave to walk through it.
Memories of Perhentian Island would be etched deeply in my mind. More islands awaiting me to conquer!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:11:00 pm